Speaker Information

Inspiring & Experiential

Are you looking for an inspiring, experiential speaker for your next conference, summit, or event? Amelia is known for her engaging talks, her beautiful meditations, and enchanting an audience with so much more than just a presentation.

All of Amelia’s presentations are experiential immersions into the “ALL” of the human potential. She aim to re-center participants in the depth of their radiance and connect them with a renewed sense of belonging and valuable take-home tools that they can use to strengthen their connection to their Spirit.

Clinical & Technical

Do you own a clinic or manage a healthcare team and want to bring holistic and energetic perspective to your team of nurses or providers?  Do you have a holistic health clinic or community and are looking for engaging speakers to support your clients establish a new perspective of their wellness potential? Are you looking for a summit, conference, or retreat speaker?

Amelia is available for interactive keynotes, breakout sessions, pre- and post-conference training, and longer retreats. Her talks range from two hour, two days, or a week long deep-dive.


Contact my team for inquiries.

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Recent Highlights

  • 2024:  The Quantum System of the Hara for Energy Medicine Specialists Mentoring Group (Online)
  • 2024: Cosmological Pathworking for the Rhine Institute (Online)
  • 2023:  I took a sabbatical from speaking engagements.
  • 2022: Your Quantum Healing Potential for the Zach Bush, MD Journey of Intrinsic Health Community (Online)
  • 2022: Energy Medicine Summit: Shift Network (Online)
  • 2022: Energetics of Being: North Central Healing Community Gathering (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
  • 2022: Various podcasts in the field of energy medicine and wellness.
  • 2022: Beyond the Veil Summit: Shift Network (Online)
  • 2021: Intuitive Medicine Summit: Shift Network (Online)
  • 2021: Integrative Imagery & Healing Trauma: Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors Engage Conference (Online)
  • 2021: Better Healers Series: Conversation with Lynne McTaggart, Author of 5 International Best Sellers (Online)
  • 2021: Grounding & Transforming Trauma – Four Corners Wellness Summit: Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation (Online)
  • 2021: Radio: Transforming Trauma. Dr. Pat Show (Online, Radio)
  • 2019: Sounds like Light – A Music and Storytelling Full Day Educational Conference for the OKI Gathering (Cincinnati, OH)
  • 2019: Post-Conference Workshop “Using an Expanded Chakra System in Clinical Practice” at Healing Touch Program’s Worldwide Conference
  • 2018: Pre-Conference Workshop “Healing Trauma through Wholeness” at the World Burn Congress (Grand Rapids, MI)
  • 2018: Panel Expert: Normalizing Trauma for Burn Survivors (Grand Rapids, MI)
  • 2018: Wellness Center Closing Speaker: World Burn Congress (Grand Rapids, MI)
  • 2018: Energy Consultant for a Doctoral Study through the Rhine Institute, Durham NC
  • 2018: Panel Facilitator: Anatomy for Healer’s with Sue Hoveland, Nancy Lester, Ann Marie Newman, and Jeanette Neinabar
  • 2018: Speaker: Healing Touch Program Instructors Conference (San Antonio, TX)
  • 2018: Interview: Amelia Vogler & Debra Greene, Phd “Energy Mastery and the Energetics of New Year Resolutions”
  • 2017: Podcast Interview: Spirituality Out Loud: Meet Amelia Vogler – An Intuitive and a Specialist in Energy Medicine and Natural Healing
  • 2017: Interview: Amelia Vogler & New York Times Best Seller Rick Hanson, Phd. “Cultivating Resiliency for Energy Medicine Professionals” (Online)
  • 2017: Interview: Amelia Vogler & Jonathan Bender, MS “Energetics of Expression” (Online)
  • 2017: Interview: Amelia Vogler & George Kao “Authentic Social Media Training for Energy Practitioners” (Online)
  • 2017: Speaker / Presenter: Phoenix Society World Burn Congress (Dallas, TX)
    • Presentation 1: Introduction to Therapeutic Guided Meditation (experiential)
    • Presentation 2: Energy Medicine as a non-pharmacological approach to wellness and self-care (experiential)
  • 2017: Panel member: Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) The Ethics of Energy Healing: Blind Spots and Dilemmas (Online)
  • 2017: Presentation: Jaycee Burn Center UNC Hospitals: Introduction to Healing Touch (Chapel Hill, NC)
  • 2017: Podcast Interview: Dream Freedom Beauty: Elemental Healing and The Role of Love in Evolution (online)
  • 2017: Corporate Wellness Program: SAS Institute: An Energetic Approach to Rejuvenation in the Workplace (Cary, NC)
  • 2016: Podcast Interview: Dream Freedom Beauty: Healing Migraine Headaches with Energy Medicine (online)
  • 2016: Facilitator & Lecturer: Healing Touch Worldwide Conference (Charlotte, NC)
  • 2015: Speaker: Phoenix Society World Burn Congress: Introduction to the Therapeutic Use of Energy Medicine (Cincinnati, OH)
  • 2015: Organizer & Speaker: Healing Touch Center of North Carolina Community Day (Durham, NC)
    • Lecture: Sacred Geometry
    • Technique Demonstration: Healing the Bones using Sound
  • 2015: Volunteer Consulting: Healing Touch Worldwide Foundation Website
  • 2014: Co-lead on Planning Committee and Ceremonialist: The Cosmic Mass of the Triangle (Carrboro, NC)
  • 2014: Speaker: Worldwide Healing Touch Conference: An Energetic Model for Holistic Practitioners (Chicago, IL)


Transformational Classes and
Soul-Affirming Programs with Amelia


Visit Vogler Institute




Transformational Classes and
Soul-Affirming Programs with Amelia


Visit Vogler Institute

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