Spiritual Mentoring

About Spiritual Mentoring

Welcome to Spiritual Mentoring with Amelia, where you can experience the transformative power of  consistent intuitive guidance and energy healing practices.

Are you feeling disconnected from your true self or struggling to find balance? Anxiety overwhelms you or makes you crave a deeper connection to your inner wisdom. If this resonates with you, my Spiritual Mentoring program may be just what you need to rediscover your center and align with your higher purpose.

Through insightful questioning, guided practices, and personalized resources, I will help you tap into your innate intuition and rediscover your sense of grounding. Drawing on my extensive experience as a healer, I will guide you on a journey of self-discovery and provide you with the tools and support you need to thrive in all aspects of your life.

But Spiritual Mentoring is not just for individuals seeking personal growth. If you are a healer looking to deepen your practice and expand your service offerings, I am here to help. With my extensive knowledge and experience, I can guide you in developing a solid foundation for your practice and cultivating a healthy, thriving vibration for your service.

If you are ready to take the next step on your spiritual journey, contact me today to learn more about her Spiritual Mentoring program. Together, we can unlock the power of your intuition and discover the path to a more grounded, fulfilling life.

The Healing Space

In the year we have been working together, Amelia’s commitment and passion in her work and her client’s wellbeing has consistently proven itself time and again as it always calls me back to ever expanding places of re-discovery within myself!

Amelia’s ability to be fully present through out each of our sessions has assisted me greatly, as has her accurate insight, empathy, and listening. Her tangible compassion and warmth are something that illuminates and translates powerfully through both her words, and through her ever-open heart.

This, in part, has brought about noticeable movement forward, with many breakthroughs in both my limitations and in my understanding relative to my quest for finding clear answers inward through the deeper stories beneath some of my greater life challenges.

With those epiphanies, too, have come greater faith in my own abilities, and a variety of welcome closures and resolutions as well— which is no small task.

Sessions with her are always an adventure, and most often leave me not only in awe, but with the sensation of having a very stark, unique, sometimes haunted call from my own spirit witnessed, heard, and in turn answered. And with that, for me, comes the joy in knowing Amelia, and experiencing the brilliance in her many gifts through her wise counsel, and tremendous healing presence which I am ever grateful for; having her assistance in this inward journey to reclaim lost parts of my self has been an answer to many, many prayers and a true blessing in every sense of the word!

Why is Mentoring with Amelia Special?

Are you feeling stuck, lost, or uncertain about the next steps in your life? Perhaps you’re looking for a deeper connection to yourself and the world. Whatever your goals, my holistic approach to mentoring can provide you with the support and guidance you need to achieve them.

At the heart of my mentoring is the belief that true healing and growth require understanding the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being. With over 17 years of experience in healing, I can help you tap into your intuitive wisdom and develop a deeper understanding of your physical, emotional, mental, Spiritual, relational, and energetic dimensions.

I can blend my healing expertise with coaching to offer personalized support tailored to your needs and goals. With guided practices, rituals, meditations, and resources, I will help you navigate the twists and turns of life with conscious and intentional guidance.

And with mentoring, you’ll have direct messaging support from me whenever you need it, like having an intuitive in your pocket. So if you’re ready to deepen your self-awareness and connect with your inner wisdom, consider mentoring with me.

How mentoring works

Welcome to my Mentoring Experience - a place where you can discover a grounded life with support, guidance, and healing.

My approach is holistic - I listen to all aspects of your life to address the foundation of your issues, questions, or curiosities.

Here’s how our 3-month mentoring package works:

Step 1: We start with a free consultation to ensure we’re a good fit for each other. After all, I want to support your healing!

Step 2: We’ll then have a 2-hour Foundation Session to get to know each other and clarify your goals. This includes an hour of mentoring and energy work to help you tap into your intuitive wisdom.

Step 3: For the next three months, we will meet weekly for a 30-minute private mentoring/coaching/healing call. Throughout your journey, you’ll also have direct messaging support (text messaging) from me during office hours (10 am – 5 pm Eastern Time on weekdays). You’ll also receive personalized offerings to support your journey, including rituals, ceremonies, affirmations, blessings, and energy-based techniques.

Note:  I do travel from time to time and if I am traveling we will work together for a plan and schedule that feels mutually supportive and honoring.

"This extraordinarily gifted healer and teacher has taken energy healing to a powerful new level through her deep understanding of life’s essential interconnectedness. She creates an energetic alchemy between healer and healee by tapping into the energetic space between them, always reflecting back the possibility of absolute healing. Her many contributions to the healing canon include a highly original energetic protocol that quickly and permanently heals childhood attachment wounds, through which she has healed thousands. When it comes to healing with full-hearted love, compassion and positivity, Amelia Vogler is, quite simply, the rare – and real – article."


Lynne McTaggart
, Internationally bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight.

3-Month Mentoring Package

  • 2 Hour Foundation Session (if you are an existing client and have already had a consultation, this is waived and a $485 discount is applied).
  • 30 minute weekly private mentoring/coaching/healing calls with Amelia.
  • Direct messaging office hours from 10am – 5pm EST on weekdays.  (Messages outside of these times will be replied to first thing in the morning on the following day.)
  • Personalized offerings to support your journey. These may include: personal rituals, ceremonies, affirmations, blessings (for projects, life, relationships, new homes, etc.) and energy-based techniques.
  • Personalized drop-ins by e-mail and text. These may include reminders, celebration, and check-ins.
  • Bio-field Therapeutics are possible but these appointments are booked separately and not included in this package.

Pricing:  $2,350

As a bonus, you’ll receive 20% off on all Vogler Institute courses or healing practice purchases while actively working with me.

Let's Chat

If you're ready to explore the foundations of your energy system, shift dis-serving patterns, and rediscover your authentic nature, let’s connect.  If you're curious about how we can work together, please "Say Hello" in my pre-session form to schedule a FREE Consultation.



Transformational Classes and
Soul-Affirming Programs with Amelia


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Transformational Classes and
Soul-Affirming Programs with Amelia


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